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Wondering how much money we really made when selling our home? Let’s take a look at the nitty gritty details! So, I know that it is taboo to talk about money. However, I find this subject extremely fascinating, and since most of the big numbers are public record anyways, I wanted to share! We shared …

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Knowing how to prioritize tasks is essential in home projects and building. Let’s discuss whether you should work on one project at a time or multi-task. I often have this internal debate: should I work on one project from start to finish or work on several projects in various phases at the same time? There’s …

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Just bought a house but don’t have any leftover money to make it look like your own? Here’s 7 projects you can do for cheap that make a big difference! Buying a house is expensive. You put all of your available cash into a down payment, closing costs, moving costs, and tons of expenses that you …

Read More about Seven Projects You Can Do For Cheap As a New Homeowner in 2024