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Simple Landscaping Ideas

Springtime is approaching and with that we are all getting the urge to get out in the yard. I have some projects up my sleeves for this year (our side yard + natural area will be our focus) but I wanted to share my best simple landscaping ideas with you today.

Landscaping can be overwhelming and can quickly get expensive. My best advice? Make a plan and work with intention. 

Our Tropical Oasis - A backyard Hammock area - Charleston Crafted

How do I start landscaping my lawn?

  1. Start by assessing what you are working with. List all of the current elements of your yard. For example: grass, flower bed, natural area around trees, trees, fence, mailbox. Remember to do this for your front yard and backyard. 
  2. Rate each of those items 1-3 1 = terrible, 2 = OK, 3 = great.
  3. Use this rating to prioritize the work that you will do. 
  4. Go on a site like Pinterest and look at landscaping ideas. For example, search “natural area”. Use Pinterest’s suggestions to drill into exactly what you want. 
  5. Pin anything that inspires you to a special, specific board. 
  6. Look at the items that you have pinned. What do they have in common? Make a list. 
  7. Look at this list. Would these items work in your yard? If it’s something that is wildly inappropriate (like a giant waterfall if you have a tiny space), cross it off. 
  8. You will be left with a goal list for your space. You might want to do a little research into the cost of each item, which can also be a factor in your prioritization. 
  9. Continue to use Pinterest, Google, and YouTube to learn any new skill or processes you need to do this landscaping work yourself. 
  10. Repeat for each aspect of your yard. 
  11. Get to work!

What I've Learned About Growing Grass - Charleston Crafted

How much does simple landscaping cost?

Landscaping can cost any amount. Any landscaping is on a budget, it just depends on what your budget is! The most important thing is to not spend more money than you are comfortable with. Keep in mind that while something like a bag of mulch or pebbles might only be a couple of dollars, you’re going to need lots of them for any project and that adds up quick.

Tropical Yard Update - Charleston Crafted

How do I make my yard beautiful on a budget?

  • Trimming is free and makes a huge difference. Pull weeds, cut back bushes, and trim trees for an instant free upgrade.
  • Lay grass seed instead of sod. Read about our experience with grass seed here. 
  • Don’t fight nature. If a space is shady, only plant shade tolerant plants. Vice versa for sunny spots. Planting something that doesn’t want to grow there is going to be much more difficult and costly. 
  • Always check the garden center sale racks. They put TONS of plants on sale. Many are fine – just not blooming at this second. It’s hard to sell a plant with no blooms when they have 50 of the same plant covered with blooms! I have gotten excellent plants this way. 
  • Plant perennials instead of annuals. Plants that come back every year will save you a ton of money long term compared to having to buy new each spring. 
  • Adding a barrier around a space (like stones or pavers) instantly makes it look more purposeful and beautiful.
  • If you want to build something, pick one project per season or per year to space out the cost.

If you are looking for specific DIY projects that we have done in our yard, please check out these landscaping ideas:

Simple Landscaping Ideas

Landscaping your yard can be very overwhelming. Here are some simple landscaping ideas to get you started!

What are your favorite easy landscaping ideas?

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