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How to maintain and clean wood stained surfaces

Discover expert tips to maintain and clean wood stained surfaces effectively. From preventing stains with coasters and protective pads to the best cleaning routines and specialized wood cleaners, learn how to preserve the beauty of your wood furnishings effortlessly.

Many people love wood surfaces because they are easy to keep clean compared to softer surfaces like carpet or upholstered furniture.

But, that doesn’t mean that wood is magically always clean. You still need to clean it to keep it shining and beautiful.

Today I want to share my top tips for how to clean surfaces that have been treated with a wood stain!

how to clean and maintain wood stained surfaces

How to maintain and clean wood stained surfaces

Here are our best tips for cleaning stained wood.

How to keep stained wood clean

The best way to keep stained wood clean is by preventing stains to begin with!

Use Coasters and Placemats: Place coasters under glasses and cups and use placemats for dishes to prevent water rings and stains on wood surfaces.

Protective Pads: Place protective pads or mats under hot items like pots, pans, and dishes to avoid heat damage or white heat stains on the wood.

But, regular cleaning can also make a big difference. Here’s a great every day wood cleaning routine.

Drink on coaster

Supplies needed:

The best cleaners for stained wood

There are a variety of different types of wood cleaners suitable for stains or wood finishes:

Stain/Finish TypeRecommended Wood Cleaners
General Cleaning– Mild soapy water solution
– Commercial wood cleaners
Oil-Based Finishes– Oil soap cleaners
– Lemon oil
Wax Finishes– pH-neutral cleaners
Polyurethane Finishes– Water-based wood cleaners
– Vinegar and water solution (diluted)
Natural Alternatives– Vinegar and olive oil solution
– Baking soda paste (for tough stains)

Steps to maintain stained wood:

STEP 1: Dust

Use a microfiber cloth or duster to dust your surface well. You might be surprised at home much shinier it looks automatically just by wiping it down!

STEP 2: Clean

Spray a wood cleaner or a mixture of warm (never hot) water and dish soap. Wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

STEP 3: Treat stains

For minor stains, combine baking soda + water to create a paste. Rub into the stain and then wipe off completely.

STEP 4: Polish

This is optional, but applying a furniture polish will make your wood surface shine. Follow the instructions on the bottle, but most involve spraying on and wiping clean.

You can then use a clean soft cloth to buff the surface until it really shines!

How often should I polish wood?

Heavily used wood surfaces like a kitchen table should be polished every 3 months. Lesser used surfaces – like that dining hutch you never set anything on – can be polished once a year. Just dust them off in between polishes!

spray bottle and microfiber cloth on a wood table

How to clean stains from stained wood

If your wood surface has stains on it, you will need to take a few additional steps to get them off.

How to remove moisture stains from wood surfaces

You can get stains from something wet being set on your wood surface, like a glass without a coaster. Here are tips to get them off!

  • Apply whitening toothpaste in circular motions with a soft cloth, then wipe clean.
  • Mix equal parts olive oil and distilled white vinegar and rub into the grain off the wood, then wipe clean.
  • Combine baking soda + water to make a paste. Rub into the stain, then wipe clean.

How to remove heat stains from wood surfaces

I’ll never forget when I was a kid we set a hot pizza box on our dining table and it left a huge white spot. My mom was so mad! Here are some ways to get a white heat spot off of a wood surface.

  • Blow a hairdryer at the stain from about 6 inches away.
  • Place a towel over the white stain and then iron it on low heat. Do NOT use any steam, it can warp the wood. This is what my mom did and we couldn’t believe it worked!
  • Apply whitening toothpaste in circular motions with a soft cloth, then wipe clean.
  • Apply mayonnaise to the stain – let it sit for an hour and then wipe it off.

How to remove dark stains from wood surfaces

Dark stains on wood surfaces are usually caused by spills. Even a water stain can turn dark if it’s a bad one! Here are some ways to treat these stains.

  • Sand the stain off with 100-150 grit sand paper and re-stain.
  • Carefully apply bleach to the stain. Once it has faded to the original color, wipe with a damp cloth and then apply white vinegar to neutralize the bleach.

Any more questions about cleaning wood?

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